The aim of this book, then, is not only simple; it is practical. It is intended to help ordinary people understand the Bible all the better for seeing it against its background, and to remind them that it is not a fairy story to be grown out of, but the record of what actually happened over nineteen hundred years ago in Mediterranean towns and countryside which can still be seen.
The Bible is historical. But it is more than that. It is meant to take us beyond the background, which can be conjured up with the help of a book such as this, to the Person who is at the centre of the picture. He has not changed. He is alive today, and as relevant as when the message of his forgiveness, power and challenge revolutionized the ancient world. It is hoped that the stimulus of these photographs and brief accompanying comment will make many turn afresh to read the New Testament itself with a new confidence in its historicity and a new willingness to hear its message.