From time immemorial the world has seen two kinds of power. PEOPLE POWER and that imaginative, vague, insecure power which people feel a certain important position can give them.
This great book is devoted to the first concept of power the only one on which any permanent success can be based.
There is perhaps no one in America who is doing more to help other people develop this POSITIVE POWER within themselves than Dottie Walters. Her whole philosophy of life as expressed in her numerous speeches and writings is that if a person has a sincere and passionate desire to accomplish anything in life, that divine ambition has within itself the power to create all the necessary ingredients for success. This great divine creative quality has been given the name by Dottie of POSITIVE PEOPLE POWER.
Dottie has brought together a great group of wonderful people and inspired them to share the best of their life's experiences and philosophies with others.
It is my personal feeling that no one individual can write a book which offers as much as a number of successful individuals can offer by sharing the very best of themselves. If there is a spark of divinity or fragment of eternity on this earth it is found in this divine sharing which has permeated every project of any kind sponsored by Dottie Walters ISBN:0934344078