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Practical Business Research Methods

By: Steven C. Blank

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This book is about problem solving. Problem solving is the job of manag- ers, whatever their position, wherever they are employed. Choosing be- tween alternatives is the first responsibility of anyone in a position of authority in business. "Research" is the formal name for the process of identifying problems, gathering information concerning potential solutions to those problems, analyzing the alternatives, and choosing the one that is considered best for the situation at hand. Therefore, the job of a manager clearly involves doing research.
Most managers do not think of themselves as researchers. This is due primarily to the fact that many people have a stereotypical impression that research goes on only in laboratories. But research is not solely the domain of the natural sciences; social scientists such as business managers and economists are constantly involved in research efforts.

The distinction between research and the work performed by managers is in the mind people often think that investigations must follow rigid formal procedures to deserve the label "research." Such a belief is not accurate. Managers perform informal research anytime they make a decision, even if the entire process takes place in the mind of the manager in a matter of moments. Quick decisions involve the same processes as long, formal analysis of situations. Therefore, this book will present the formal processes involved in conducting business research, but it will do so while keeping in mind the practical approach that working managers use on the job.

This book will be of interest to researchers and analysts (professionals in government, university faculty, and especially students) primarily in the fields of business, economics, and agribusiness. The book is designed for use in university courses in management, research methods, or operations re- search taught at the upper-undergraduate or beginning graduate level. It can serve as a reference book as well. The goal of the book is to present a systematic approach to problem solving for those new to formal analysis techniques.

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Weight 709 g
Dimensions 234 × 156 × 38 mm




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ISBN 0870554557