The Joomla! CMS is based on various types of extensions: Components, modules, plugins and templates. While most books only offer a small chapter on plugins, this books focuses on them entirely. Does this mean this book is too small to be noteworthy? Wrong! Plugins are vital to the workings of a Joomla! site, and having them developed correctly is a must. Therefor this book reveals you all that you will ever need to know about programming plugins.This book does not focus on the usage of plugins, but on the actual programming: It makes this book a must read to anybody who is involved with Joomla! programming - both beginner and guru. Knowledge of PHP and XML is a must though.
First of all, this book gives you all the material to write your own plugins from scratch: It helps you deal with the basics of plugin classes and plugin methods, but also the XML code and framework calls. But it does not stop there: Plugin development also deals with design patterns, autoloaders, parent classes, API hooks, backwards compatibility, and the list goes on. You might read the book from the start till the end, or just pick that subject that you really want to dive into. ISBN:9789082278705