From Roman times to the computer age, proverbs have added spice to our language. This new edition of the Concise Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs contains over 1,000 of the best-known proverbs from around the world, including 100 new to this edition. For example, did you know that A troubleshared is a trouble halved wasn't recorded before the twentieth century? Or that A watched pot never boils first appears as late as 1848? With new proverbs from the computer world and economics, such as Garbage in, garbage out and There's no such thing as a free lunch , and popular show business
phrases like The best thing in life are free , from the 1927 song, this fascinating guide provides every major proverb in use in the twentieth century, old and new. Numerous illustrative quotations provide a documentary history of each proverb from its first recorded use in written English, and
earlier related forms in other languages are also provided. Plus, a new thematic index allows the reader to find proverbs dealing with particular subjects and situations as diverse as beauty and bee keeping , warfare and weather .
Up-to-date and authoritative, The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs is an invaluable resource for writers, students, phraseologists, and just plain word-lovers. ISBN:9780192800022