The English legal system is undergoing significant changes to virtually all of its machinery. This book explains all the important institutions and processes of the system and demonstrates effective methods of answering typical examination questions. All the topics of university ELS courses. including the London University External LLB, are covered as are socio-legal and historical subjects. It incorporates the latest case developments, like Pepper v Hart, changes made under the Courts and -Legal Services Act, and all the relevant recommendations of the recent Runciman Commission on Criminal Justice.
The Q & A series is designed specifically for the examination candidate and the books in the series are written by experienced law lecturers who are themselves examiners.
Each book in the series contains 50 questions and suggested answers covering the range of examination topics commonly found in law degree CPE and vocational examinations at many Universities and Colleges. The purpose of the books is to illustrate the clear logical approach which would be expected of a good honours degree student.
Each book is divided into chapters according to topic area and each chapter begins with an introduction outlining the main points which should have been mastered before tackling the questions in that chapter Each answer is supplemented by additional notes which pick up points of particular difficulty or refer to additional or alternative material which could be used in the answer.