Roger Forster and Paul Marston have helped more than one generation of Christian leaders to think through big issues. In this root and branch revision of their earlier classic Reason and Faith they grapple with central themes:
-The balance between reason and faith ' we all face
-The 'big questions' we all face
- Personal identity
- Is the argument from design valid?
- Are miracles really credible?
- Does God communicate? Where does Jesus fit in?
- The Bible's authority - on what does it rest?
- Philosophical and historical confrontations between science and religion
- Synthesis: a world view covering both science and faith
Throughout they maintain a careful and respectful approach to other points of view. The result is a wonderfully vigorous, meticulous defence of the intellectual and scientific validity of the Christian faith.
To explore the ideas raised in this book, visit the associated web site:
"In this fascinating and thorough book, the authors demonstrate how reason, science and faith are not opposed to each other but rather complementary." Rev. Nicky Gumbel (National Alpha Courses Leader)