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Regulation, Deregulation, Reregulation: The Future of the Banking, Insurance, and Securities Industries

By: Alan Gart

Book Condition: Very good, Ex-library
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1 in stock


This sweeping new work puts into historical perspective the changes that have taken place in the industry, so that financial professionals like you can learn from the errors and abuses of the past. It helps redefine these financial institutions in the face of new technologies and competitive threats posed by new industry players and helps prepare these institutions and yourself for the new financial challenges of the 21st century.

With the help of case studies that act as important cautionary lessons, Regulation, Deregulation, Reregulation provides you with detailed, practical insight into the history, rise, decline, and possible recovery of each of the three major industry segments, including:

• Banks learn why so many banks have failed and who's to blame... how early warning signals can detect possible bank failure... why commercial banking has declined since WWII...whether consolidation and cost cutting can help save the industry...what role super regionals will play in the revival... what kind of diversification and expansion best suits banks.

• Insurance companies discover the reasons behind the increased collapse of insurance companies... what such troubled insurers as Mutual Benefit Life can teach us... why cost cutting is the key to insurers' survival and how it can be effected... how the health care crisis and AIDS are affecting the industry...what new role the Feds could play in regulating insurers.

• The Securities industry sees how an ethical decline and poor management practices undermined the industry... how computer technology has revolutionized securities... what impact discount firms have had on industry revenues... whether more mergers, layoffs, and restructurings are in the offing.

If you choose to focus exclusively on your own particular industry segment, the book's convenient format enables you to go straight to the information you need. If you're seeking an enlightened overview of the financial services industry, particularly important now as the distinctions among the three segments continue to blur, the book provides you with the necessary background and analysis. However you use Regulation, Deregulation, Reregulation, it finally enables you to prepare for-and become a major player in-the coming industry revolution.

Additional information

Weight 778 g
Dimensions 236 × 160 × 33 mm




Book Condition


Published Year

No. of Pages

Book Author

ISBN 9780471580522