This work is offered to the profession as a general Repertory of the Homลopathic Materia Medica. It has been built from all sources, and is a compilation of all the useful symptoms recorded in the fundamental works of our Materia Medica, as well as from the notes of our abiest practitioners. Many unverified symptoms have been omitted, but only when there was a decided doubt about their consistency. And on the other hand clinical matters have been given a place when it was observed to be consistent with the nature of the remedy.
The plan of the Repertory is uniform throughout, and it is one which admits of the indefinite expansion of each division, so that remedies can be added from time to time as they come into use or have been confirmed and verified. It has been attempted to proceed in every case from generals to particulars, and in carrying this out the aim has been to give first of all a general rubric containing all the remedies which have produced the symptoms, followed by the particulars, viz. the time of occurrence, the circumstances, and lastly the extensions. Here it may be remarked, in regard to extensions, that the point from which a certain symptom extends is the one under which that symptom will be found, never under the point to which it extends.