On 12 March 2005, SUHAKAM held a Public Forum on "Ageing with Dignity: Rights of Older Persons" at the Equatorial Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. The Public Forum was attended by about 250 participants comprising representatives from government and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), academics and stakeholders interested in the rights and dignity of older persons.The objectives of the Public Forum were:a. To appreciate the contribution of older persons to our society and to ensure that policies made are positive and not discriminatory for older persons.b.To create awareness that individuals are reaching an advanced age in greater numbers and are in better health than ever before and that there is much diversity in the situation of older persons who require a variety of policy responses and services to enhance their quality of life.To persuade stakeholders to create opportunities for willing and capable olderpersons, to participate in and contribute to the well being of society.This report details all aspects of the forum & matters discussed.