We are working harder, playing longer, buying more and yet enjoying life less. Why is there so much dissatisfaction with our lives? Gordon MacDonald believes there is a growing weariness of spirit in the Western Christian world.
In this book he:
Asks what tires and drains us of our desire to be
children of God * Names the obtacles and distractions that get
between us and God Looks at biblical men and women and how they
overcame spiritual malaise, and * Challenges us to follow their examples. In Restoring Your Spiritual Passion Gordon MacDonald helps us regain our "passion" for God and escape from the pervasive sense of spiritual
tiredness that can settle into our lives.
Gordon MacDonald is the author of the bestselling Ordering Your Private World, Forging A Real World Faith, Rebuilding Your Broken World and with his wife Gail, Till the Heart be Touched." ISBN:9780946616602