There's a little bull in all of us . . . Sacred Bull shows how to recognize your own self-imposed "bull" and, most importantly, how to do something about it. Dr. Albert J. Bernstein and Sydney Craft Rozen's new book is a witty, perceptive, and effective guide to personal change in your work setting."Tried but can't break the bonds of self-limiting career behavior? With this breakthrough advice, you'll find that change has wings."—Joyce Lain Kennedy Careers Columnist Los Angeles Times Syndicate
"After thirty-five years in the world of business, this book made me recognize some of my own imperfections. No: Let's call them what they are: Sacred Bulls."—Roger Axtell Author of Do's and Taboos Around the World A Main Selection of the Newbridge Executive Program.
Did you ever notice how people at work "spin-doctor" themselves into believing things they wish were true but just aren't?—The perfectionist who micromanages everything. She never seems to make a mistake . . . unless you count the important market trends she always seems to miss. The complainer who always knows where to fix the blame but never how to fix the problem. The perpetually "nice" person. He thinks he avoids conflict by telling people what they want to hear. Too bad that avoiding a little conflict today paves the way for "the mother of all battles" tomorrow. It's easy to spot these problems in other people, but not in yourself.
Are you letting your own bull mess up your job, your relationships with coworkers, and your opportunity for advancement? Sacred Bull is a perceptive and highly useful book that enables you to sort out fact from fiction about your behavior on the job.
It covers ten sacred bulls that may be standing in your way unrecognized as problems (perhaps they even masquerade as virtues). If the road to ruin is paved with good intentions, these Sacred Bulls hold the paving contract. Sacred Bull, in its witty and perceptive commentary—enables all of us to take a useful and refreshing look at ourselves. Reading this book is an investment that will pay you many dividends.