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Saint of the Day: Volume 2 (July – December)
By: Leonard Foley (Ed.)
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This classic best-seller has been revised and updated to include those recently canonized, beatified or recognized as persons of heroic virtue. The new entries include Marguerite Bourgeoys, Jacinta and Francisco Marto, Damien of Molokai, Pio of Piatrelcina, Eugene de Mazenod, Edith Stein, Frederic Ozanam, Mother Theodore Guerin, Francis Xavier Seelos, Pope John XXIII, Marguerite d'Youville, Adolph Kolping, Juan Diego and Miguel Agustin Pro. "Most saints weren't private people concerned with 'saving their soul,'" says Father Foley. "There were a few hermits, of course, but so many of them were out there in the front lines doing the Church's work, at times in spite of the Church itself. Because there were reformers, prophets, leaders, people who did what was right regardless of opposition, they were controversial. Some were even dismissed from their religious orders for being troublemakers." Each of the more than two hundred entries includes a short biography of the saint, a comment linking the example of this life relevant to our own and an appropriate quotation from Scripture, the words of the saint or another spiritual writer for reflection.