What is typical Scandinavian Food? The person who, if anyone, knows by now is Severin Sjรถstedt, the culinary artist who, with SAS's team of meal planners, coordinated and processed all the ideas and visions that emerged during the work on Scandinavian World Cooking, SAS's new meal concept.
'Yes, indeed, there is a strong Scandinavian culinary tradition and it contains marked national features,' says Sjรถstedt. 'But today we all live in a multi- cultural milieu, and this spells rich cross-fertilization, especially in cookery. We apply new knowledge to processing of our classic raw materials, and we've mastered many ingredients and flavorings from other cultures. But this knowledge of other culinary traditions has also made us understand and appreciate what is distinctive and unique in our own. We're not changing the fundamentals of Scandinavian cuisine: on the contrary, we're taking it out into the world.'
ISBN: 9163053578