SEAL! FROM VIETNAM'S Daring Adventures by Sea, Air, and Land This is the extraordinary story of Lt. Cmdr. Michael J. Walsh, a veteran of twenty-six years of combat with the Navy's most elite special force-- the legendary SEALs. Outspoken renegade and consummate survivlist, Walsh began as a key player in the Vietnam War's top-secret PHOENIX Program. For a PHOENIX operative, the goal was simple: invade the enemy's home and take him captive: remove the target alive if possible, dead if necessary. Walsh's "snatches" of high-level enemy officers inspired awe in comrade and foe alike-- the Viet Cong so feared his stealth they placed a bounty worth thousands of dollars on his head.A U.S. Navy SEAL in Action!
After five tours in Vietnam, Walsh refused to take a "staff-puke" desk job, spending more than two decades in combat in such explosive arenas as strife-torn Lebanon and drug-infested Central America. Along the way, he navigated booby-trapped jungle paths, crouched close enough to enemy guards to light their cigarettes, and kept his canteen filled with gasoline instead of water to set fires. From killing a VC general in hand-to-hand combat, to stalking anti-war activist Jane Fonda, to combing the streets of Beirut in search of his friend and former PHOENIX advisor William Buckley, Walsh and his unforgettable exploits stand alone as the pinnacle of daring and sacrifice in the storied history of the SEALs. ISBN:9780671868536