Among the numerous pieces of writing that Katherine Mansfield produced during her short life, there were fifteen stories that were not completed on her death but which she had intended for inclusion in her collection named after one of them, The Dove's Nest. This volume of her stories, reproduced here, was published posthumously in 1923. J.B. Priestley wrote of them: 'the merest beginnings are capital reading. Even though we never come to the point, and do not know what the stories are about, it does not seem to matter very much. The delicate enchantments of her art are there as of old.
15 short stories by Katherine Mansfield were left unfinished on her death. The first paragraphs of these 15 stories have been given to a range of New Zealand's top writers to use as a starting point for their own new and contemporary stories. An additional 16 short stories are provided from numerous writers.
ISBN: 9781869419691