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Set Yourself Free: A Must Read for People with Addictive Personalities… and Those who Love them!
By: Shirley Smith
Book Condition: Very good
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Addictive behaviour operates routinely at organisational, societal and global levels. In fact, the addictive process is so socially integrated into our society that much of it goes unrecognised. Addictions discussed in Set Yourself Free include alcoholism, drug dependency, eating disorders, work addiction, compulsive gambling, religious addiction, sex addiction, love addicted relationships, and Co-dependency. Co-dependency originates from the denial of the true self in order to survive within a dysfunctional family or societal system. Co-dependents either isolate, becoming very anti-dependent or become overly focused on and affected by others behaviour. They have an impaired relationship with themselves, and therefore don t really know their true inner self. In Set Yourself Free, Shirley defines the meaning of true personal freedom and explains why so many of us feel trapped, frustrated and are sick and tired of being sick and tired. She shows co-dependents how to learn to love others while honouring themselves. A must read for people with addictive personalities ...... and those who love them! Shirley says: We don t have to keep talking about the fact that people have had wounded childhoods. Now it s time to start asking ourselves what are we going to do about it? My book is not for those looking for another self-help, quick fix. It is for those who are looking for real answers to real life problems, and are ready to take responsibility to make positive changes in their lives .