Intended for both experienced aviculturists and those attempting to decide which bird is best for them, Simon & Schuster's Guide to Pet Birds provides a history of aviculture and presents authoritative advice on acquisition; diet and feeding: cages, aviaries, and equipment; taming: breeding; diseases; and much more. At the heart of the book, the species entries-each illustrated in color-show 206 of the most popular and the most unusual pet birds. The entries provide information on size; origin; eggs and nest; breeding and hatching; and behavior, and each offers advice on care, feeding, and ideal environment. and more. In addition, each entry contains visual symbols indicating the birds that sing, have an agreeable call, or can talk; which birds need a mate; and which birds eat seeds, fruit, or insects.
With more than 300 color photographs, Simon & Schuster's Guide to Pet Birds is a delightfully informative reference.