If it walks like a conspiracy, talks like a conspiracy, and acts like a conspiracy, it is very possible that we might have a conspiracy. The apologists of the status quo, particularly the Bushies and the corporate establishment to which they are beholden, seek to ridicule books like this and say they are all part of an absurd conspiracy syndrome. What they fervently hope is that you will not dare read them. Had enough Americans read this sizzler, it is entirely possible that Bush Junior's forces may not have been close enough on election night to remain within stealing distance of the presidential election, finally achieved through the legal prostitution of Federal Society cronies, including one subservient Uncle Tom with a penchant for Rush Limbaugh, namely Clarence Thomas.
When you read this book you wonder long and hard about whether this was really such an unfortunate coincidence that Bush Sr. in his mudslinging 1988 campaign had ardent Nazis working in his minorities division. It was only when Congressman Stephen Solarz and others sniffed the foul odor and rose up in indignation that the elder Bush expressed dismay and dismissed the miscreants, expressing shock in the process.
Just rewind from 1988 to Tarpley's analysis of how the Bush family got rolling in the banking business, with juicy contracts with the Nazis and strengthening of the Third Reich war machine through loans and subsequent sales for pig iron. Then there was that strange society that still remains, and which Poppy and Junior both belonged to at Yale along with William F. Buckley Jr., "SKULL AND BONES." Just a few harmless fraternity pranksters? I doubt it. Check out the records of the members through the years and observe all the hellish havoc they have wreaked on America and throughout various portions of the world. It all happened by accident? Hardly. Yes, well, it might actually be a conspiracy! But conspiracies don't exist. Ask any loyal Bushie!!!