Nineteen authors and five decades of the best thinking on leadership inspire one all-new model for leading change effectively. No fads or quick-fixes here. Skyhooks for Leadership presents enduring concepts on leadership from well-known business thinkers--and integrates them into an original seven-step model for leading change. In the process, it demystifies leadership, making it more attainable for people at all levels in all sorts of organizations.Based on John Shtogren's business experience and solid research, this unique model is supported and illuminated by writings of the most respected "gurus" on O.A. Ohmann, Peter Senge, Douglas McGregor, Tom Peters, Bob Waterman, Chris Argyris, Nancy Austin, Abraham Maslow, Fred Herzberg, David McClelland, David Burnham, James Kouzes and Barry Posner, Robert Tannenbaum, Fred Massarik, Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Robert Blake, Jane Mouton, and James O'Toole.
Their thinking on a wide range of topics--from trust and vision to teamwork and empowerment--shows the validity and staying power of the Skyhooks principles. With leadership based on the Skyhooks model, companies will achieve change smoothly and without undue confusion and resentment.
ISBN: 9780814405161