SNAP!, which accompanies the BBC television series of the same name, takes the mystique out of successful photography. Written by Michael Freeman, an established international photographer and author and the consultant on the series, it contains a wealth of useful hints and techniques for improving your photography:
โบHow to make simple, effective compositions
โบHow to give your pictures dramatic impact
โบHow to make the best possible use of colour and lighting
A detailed Reference Section and Glossary cover the technical aspects of the subject, dealing with everything from how the camera works to how to do your own developing and printing. But the most important step towards taking better photographs is simply to 'use your eyes' - and, whether you are a complete beginner with the most basic 'point-and-shoot' camera or an SLR enthusiast, SNAP! shows you how to do just that!
SNAP! is the set book and an essential part of the Open College of the Arts photography course, success in which is equivalent to passing certain modules of the City and Guilds photography (9231) scheme.ISBN:9780563214236