A fast paced, conspiracy thriller that tears through the menacing ice hell worlds of Gehenna to the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, Washington DC.The story opens in the year 1981, thrusting readers into a dark and sinister labyrinth of covert intelligence operations, elite banking dynasties, 21st Century Warlocks, and the sinister secret of the Illuminati Council of 13, controlled by Jesuit priest, Lorcan De Molay.
Forty years later, in 2021, the third world war has just ended; the Ishtar Accord - a seven year denuclearization treaty between Russia, the Pan Arab Union and Israel will be signed on 7 January 2022; a UN peacekeeping force occupies the Temple Mount and Israel's boundaries; the Ark of the Covenant is rediscovered, Angelic Portals are opened and prophetic signs mysteriously appear in the skies above London, Washington and Alexandria.