Eight edition, 1964.
The aim of this book is to present a picture of environmental conditions and human adaptations in Southeast Asia which shall provide the student with a basic text and at the same time stimulate the sociologist, the administrator, the politician and the businessman to see the relation of their work to the general field. It is assumed that readers will already know modern writings on the physical, environmental and social aspects of geography, and the text dwells at length only on those circumstances peculiar to Southeast Asia and its people.
This book is not a dictionary, a gazetteer or an encyclopedia. It is one of the first studies of local perspectives in South-east Asia, the critical importance of which became apparent during the last war when the scarcity of information demonstrated how little study had been given to the region as a whole.
The book is divided into three parts. The first pictures the natural setting, the second gives a regional treatment of the human details of each political unit, and the third ties together the social geography of Southeast Asia, to pose some of its present problems. ISBN SOUTHEASTASIA