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Sovereignty at Bay: The Multinational Spread of U.S. Enterprises

By: Raymond Vernon

Book Condition: Good, Worn dust jacket
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1 in stock


In just a few decades, the large multinational U.S. enterprise has emerged as a major new economic power on the world scene and as an endless source of political controversy and concern among governments, local businesses, nationalists, and radicals.

Is the power of these multinational giants "excessive"? Are they undermining the ability of national governments to pursue independent policies for the welfare of their people? Are they, in fact, really multinational, or are they just being used by the parent country, that is, the United States, as a means of controlling the economies of other nations?

Now, with the appearance of this magisterial work, the product of a major research effort spanning more than six years, it is possible for the first time to provide meaningful answers to such questions, answers that are firmly based on critical analysis of factual data, rather than on speculation and preconceived prejudices. Writing with his accustomed verve and lucidity, Professor Vernon draws on the most comprehensive body of data on the multinational enterprise ever before assembled to present the first really adequate picture of these revolutionary new institutions-their myriad organizational forms, their varied adaptations to developments in technology, trans port, and communication, and, above all, their phenomenal economic efficiency.

Here is a book that everyone concerned with the multinational enterprise - be he businessman, social scientist, or student of foreign affairs-will be referring to for many years to come.

Additional information

Weight 556 g
Dimensions 216 × 150 × 34 mm


Book Condition


Published Year

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