In Germany the patient with a heart attack is referred to a special center for cardiac rehabilitation after his hospitalization for acute care. One such center in Bavaria is run by Dr. Max Halhuber who shares his experience and knowledge with us in this book, written for the patient and his family.
In the United States we have superb facilities for care during the acute phase of the heart attack. However, we neglect the important rehabilitation and reconditioning process and put up with the high cost, both socially and economically, of prolonged disability and premature retirement.
A statement was made to me by one of the officials of a Blue Shield plan when challenged over the Blue Plan's policy of not paying for a rehabilitation program. He stated, "The Blue Plans are in business to insure against acute illness. We are not in the business of prevention nor in the business of rehabilitation, much as we applaud their aims." If the individual is fortunate enough to have major medical coverage, rehabilitation programs may be covered.
It is unfortunate in these days of pressures for cost containment in medical care that we neglect rehabilitation and secondary prevention. As a matter of fact, even primary prevention programs suffer.
It has been estimated that in the United States coronary disease strikes 2½ million individuals, and that one in five men can expect to have a heart attack before age 60. While institutional rehabilitation will probably never come to this country, and, indeed, is probably not needed, we must find a higher priority for prevention and rehabilitation programs.
ISBN 083262232X