These are historic times. A major transformation is taking place in the mind of man. Old ideas are dying and new are being born. We are beginning to realize that our basic identity is not mind or body, bound by birth and death, time and space-but, more fundamentally, it is spirit: an infinite consciousness which is universal and eternal. Dawning is the awareness that consciousness is not a function of the mind, centered in the physical brain. No, quite the opposite; infinite consciousness, our real self, created mind and the cosmos as well. Consciousness is beyond time and is unaffected by death.
Today there is growing scientific confirmation that consciousness is fundamentally infinite and eternal and that our minds deceive us into believing otherwise. Findings from such diverse sources as Jungian psychology and dream analysis, experimental ESP phenomena in the field of parapsychology, age and past-life regression during hypnosis, reports of out-of-the-body and near-death experiences as well as particle physicsยน have done much to show the thinking world that consciousness is not limited by time or space.