Carlotta Carlyle and Dee Willis once sang in harmony. Now Dee has a skyrocketing music career, while Carlotta drives a cab, dates a mafia scion, and looks for missing persons in Boston. But the miles they've traveled can't change what they once had, or keep it from coming back to haunt them.Dee wants Carlotta to find the man who once worked magic with a guitar, but now dabbles in blackmail -- claiming to be the author of three of Dee's hit songs. When Carlottas stats searching Boston's backwaters she finds a pattern of corruption that leads back to Dee's entourage . . .and then to a dead body in Dee's swank hotel room. Carlotta knows that this gig isn't just about song titles, money, or even murder. Instead, this is the kind of stuff the saddest songs are made the past, and what happens when the innocence dies forever. ISBN:9780440212683