Carefully planned and written with the current English language syllabus in mind, Stepping Forward not only aims to enable students to excel in the English language examination but also to provide the necessary environment to develop students linguistic and communicative competence, to meet both their present and future needs.
Stepping Forward incorporates major themes recommended by the Ministry of Education, with various interesting and challenging topics within each theme.
The topics are specially chosen for their linguistic and interest value to the students. Under each topic, students are presented with a wide range of reading materials, both fiction and non-fiction, presenting them world wide topics, issues, and writing styles
Teachers are presented with a systematic method for teaching of materials within each topic, starting from the Preview, where students familiarise themselves with the topic under discussion and culminating in a writing structured on that topic.
A wide range of grammar and vocabulary exercises are specially designed to help students acquire the necessary language skills and vocabulary to discuss and write on the topic in each unit. There is careful linkage between sections to enable students to be mentally prepared for the task at hand.
Stepping Forward provides numerous activities to enable students to work individually, in pairs groups, as well as class discussion. This provides scope for creative thinking and critical discussion.
Stepping Forward is a comprehensive package that presents step-by-step strategies to effective language learning. Students, as well as teachers will find Stepping Forward an exciting and stimulating language learning experience, one that will result in the learners being competent and confident users of the English language