40 WAYS TO A SUCCESSFUL LIFE AND HAPPY LIVING AND DISPELLING WORRY AND SORROW.Many are sick on their beds for years being turned to the right and left, groaning in pains and crying from sickness. Many are imprisoned for years not haven seen the sun with their eyes: they have known not other than the dungeon. Many men and women are bereft of organs of their bodies since the prime of their youth and bloom of life. Many are suffering, indebted, stricken and grieved.
This book seeks to guide everyone sorrowing over with one thing or the other in a manner different from other books which discuss worry, sadness and grief; and from those which discuss fortune (or success). It addresses the heart, convinces the mind and moves Faith. It removes confusion from the hearts and souls of many of the children of Islam, those whom Shaytan invites to wretchedness, sin, despair, grief, and hopelessness in the Mercy of Allah. ISBN:9789675699245