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Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases 8th Ed.

By: Arthur A. Thompson Jr, A. J. Strickland III

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New concepts, analytical tools, and methods of managing continue to surface at rates that mandate important edition-to-edition changes in content. But whereas the topical additions and new treatments in prior editions were concentrated more heavily in the chapters relating to strategic analysis and strategy formation (because advances in the literature have for many years come faster in strategy formulation than in implementation), the most numerous changes in this edition are in the chapters pertaining to strategy implementation. In the interval since our last text revision, there have been revolutionary developments under way in the theory and practice of management. Books, journals, and the business press are full of research studies and reports about how companies are using new tools and techniques to revamp how they do business, streamline operations, restore competitiveness, and reach new heights of performance. Across the world, companies are reorganizing their work effort around teams, totally reengineering core business processes, instituting total quality management programs, competing on organizational capabilities (as much as on differentiated product attributes), and installing leaner, flatter organization structures.

But these new approaches to internal organization are more than just strategy-blind additions to the conventional wisdom about how to manage better. Each, in its own way, represents a valuable strategy-implementing tool-one whose power is magnified when seen and used as part of a larger effort to execute company strategies more competently. Incorporating these new strategy-implementing tools into the eighth edition has prompted a comprehensive overhaul of our coverage of strategy implementation and execution. We've expanded the presentation to three solid chapters, introduced a more compelling conceptual framework for thinking strategically about the tasks of implementation, and woven in all-new material on employee empowerment; team and process organization; delayering and flattening organizational structure; ways to build core competencies and hard-to-match organizational capabilities; reengineering; best practice programs; total quality management; and healthy versus unhealthy corporate cultures. The outcome is a common-sense approach to implementing and executing strategy that is in sync with recent contributions to the literature and with contemporary management practices.

In the other text chapters, you'll find new sections dealing with benchmarking techniques, value-chain analysis, competence-based competitive advantage, activity- based costing (which dovetails perfectly with value-chain concepts and strategic cost analysis), outsourcing of noncritical activities, vertical integration, and why strategy is partly planned and partly evolutionary and reactive. Once again, there's front-to- back coverage of global issues in strategic management and prominent treatment of ethical and social responsibility issues. Extensive rewriting to sharpen the presentations in every chapter has allowed us to include the new material and still cover everything in less than 320 pages-something that readers and adopters ought to welcome, given the jam-packed content of the course.


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Weight 2075 g
Dimensions 261 ร— 210 ร— 45 mm


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ISBN 9780256140552