In these studies in the Corinthian letters and the Gospel of Luke, have given particular attention to the Scriptural emphasis on th great doctrinal issues of the revealed Word of God. I have endeavord to bring other passages of Scripture to bear on these issues becaus the Bible is its own best commentary. I have written out the shorte quotations in full. I have cited many other references with the hop that those who use the studies may take the time to examine all th Scriptures that are given and also search for additional ones that ma bear on the subject being studied.A wealth of doctrinal material is to be found in Paul's second letter to the Corinthians as well as in the whole Bible which was written "for our admonition." This is true whether it be the carefully investigated truth about Our Lord which Luke has given in his gospel or the teaching about the church which Paul presents in First Corinthians, or doctrinal issues such as the covenants, the atonement heaven and other issues presented in Second Corinthians.T. R. Applebury