At this moment, 90 million Americans are in the process of healing from an illness or injury. Many will start out in the hospital, receiving immediate and perhaps life-sustaining treatment. Once they're through this critical phase, they may be left to their own devices to "finish" healing.These patients may not realize it, but they've entered a special time between acute sickness and optimal health--what Julie Silver, MD, calls the Healing Zone. Capitalizing on the dynamic power of the Healing Zone is what Super Heali ng is all about.
Over the years, Dr. Silver has taught thousands of patients how to Super Heal by utilizing key principles of rehabilitation medicine, proven through evidence-based research. She has distilled these principles into a self-guided program with the following core
-Exercising in a therapeutic manner
-Eating a healing diet
-Obtaining proper rest and sleep
-Alleviating pain
-Avoiding mood problems
-Using the mind to heal the body
-Improving loving relationships and social connections
-Harnessing spiritual energy
Collectively, these components can facilitate recovery from illness or injury far beyond what any one can do alone. It's not just healing--it's Super Healing. ISBN:9781594866319