This brilliant, funny, and outrageous sequel to David Seals's acclaimed novel (and major motion picture), The Powwow Highway. follows the further adventures of modern-day American Indians Philbert Bono, Buddy Red Bird, and Bonnie Red Bird in a soul-searching vision quest for self-discovery that is by turns exhilarating, hilarious, profane, and achingly beautiful.
In The Powwow Highway, Philbert and Buddy, residents of Montana's Cheyenne reservation, set out in Philbert's war pony-a dilapidated Buick name Protector-to free Buddy's sister, Bonnie, from the Santa Fe jail. They succeed, but at the cost of Protector's life.
In Sweet Medicine, Bonnie and the boys must find their way home past the amassed law enforcement agencies of the Southwest. Help comes from the Indians living in the New Mexico hills, whose centuries-old-yet-still vital spiritual and magical traditions protect our fugitives while simultaneously transport ing them on an inner journey that connects them anew to their Cheyenne heritage.
Meanwhile, back in the profane world of cop cars and the National Guard, the Indians take over a TV station, institute a toll collection on the interstate, steal a herd of race horses, and otherwise generally befuddle and outwit the assembled forces of Anglo justice.
David Seals is a powerful and original voice for the Native American community.