"CHARLES HODGE has a real claim to be considered one of the greatest of American theologians, and he had a great influence and following." - from Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church.
"In the lives of his three thousand students, Charles Hodge held a place of unique authority. His teaching had many elements of power solid learning, acquaintance with contemporary thought, living interests, strong certainty, clear analytical statement, and skill in awakening minds. Even more influential, however, was his personal faith, evinced especially in his famous Sunday afternoon conference addresses. His real and strongly emotional piety, the heart of which was vital apprehension of the love of God in Christ, wrought his most characteristic work upon his students.
"On all subjects his thought was profoundly biblical, governed by a high doctrine of inspiration; and he steadfastly maintained that his theology was only the teaching of the Bible. This theology and the scriptural interpretation supporting it, he held unchanged with the strength of religious conviction throughout his life.