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Taking Japan Seriously: A Confucian Perspective on Leading Economic Issues

By: Ronald Dore

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After nearly a decade of privatization, monetarist economic policies, and deregulation of markets, the phrase 'the mixed economy' has all but disappeared from serious political discourse. It used to stand for a recognition of the possibility of a halfway house between a free enterprise and a planned economy. It used to stand, also, for a recognition that people work for a variety of motives, that the pursuit of self-interest can, and in a decent society is, mixed with other desires to do a good job, to serve society, to share in effort and reward, to evoke smiles and not frowns from other people.

Motives are what this book is primarily about. There is nothing like spending one's life studying Japan and thinking about the differences between Japan and Britain and America for making one reflect: why do people work? Why do they do what their foremen and managers tell or ask them to do? Why do people sometimes cooperate, sometimes compete? What makes them sometimes obstinate, sometimes ready to compromise? What makes things seem fair to some people and not to others, and what makes some people care more than others whether something is fair or not?

Start from the assumptions of original sin, as did some of the Confucianists' opponents in ancient China, and as did the Christian divines of the eighteenth century societies in which our western economic doctrines evolved, and you get one set of answers. It is the set of answers which Mrs Thatcher and Mr Reagan have recently reasserted with force and clarity. People work for self-interest. If you want a peaceful and prosperous society, just set up institutions in such a way that people's self-interest is mobilized and let the in- visible hand of the market do the rest. Reduce everything to the bottom line.

Additional information

Weight 345 g
Dimensions 214 × 140 × 20 mm


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Published Year

No. of Pages

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ISBN 0804714010