Illustrated by hot new talent Ming Doyle, Cynthia Leitich Smith's TANTALIZE is reimagined as a graphic novel seen through Kieren's werewolf eyes.As a hybrid werewolf, Kieren is destined to join an urban Wolf pack and learn to master his shift. Soon, he'll leave everything behind: home, school, his family, and Quincie, his human best friend . . . who's beginning to be a whole lot more than a friend.
For years, Kieren has managed to keep his desires and his wolf at bay. But when the chef at Quincie' s family restaurant is brutally murdered, Kieren resolves to be there for her, even if it means being framed. Even if it means watching Quincie's beloved restaurant morph into a vampire lair.
But when the new chef begins wooing her, how long can Kieren control his claws? How long can he protect Quincie and himself?