Three unlikely characters from England are plunged into a world of passion, peril and duplicity, all set against the backdrop of a harsh Indian summer...
Simon, a disgraced schoolteacher, embarks on a journey to find respite from the drudgeries of work. On the trail of his lovely colleague Sheryl Taylor and their star pupil Visvanath, Simon travels to India and is joined by a motley crew the zany lawyer Nataraj, who views life through rose-tinted glasses; the boisterous Lester Kirfettle, sent by his dotty aunt to retrieve missing family heirlooms; Sam, the flamboyant Indian who thinks he's a cowboy; and Louis, whose marriage to the worldly Rani hasn't quite obstructed his roving eye. The internal journey begins for all after a visit to the Tantric Garden and its inhabitant, the mystical monk Basant.
Set in a country already known for its austerities, Tantric Garden lays bare harsh realities in a refreshingly comic manner.