Unspoken fears that make the dark hours friendless to sleep...'He pushed the point of the hook into the stump, and began to turn it, exerting all his strength... Thick, dark blood welled up, like... like jelly that hasn't set...' - The Hook, Gilbert Phelps.
'And then his wife turned round. What had once been his wife turned round.' - Strange Roots, David Case.
'The old man was sitting at a table behind a pile of bones, chewing grotesquely on a severed, half-cooked arm.' - A Change of Heart, John Snelling.
Twelve tales in eerie pursuit of the macabre as scenes of gibbering terror turn palsied blood to sickly gelatine.
Gaylord Sabatini, ‘Vortex of Horror’.
Conrad Hill, ‘So Much Work’.
Harry Turner, ‘Shwartz’.
Myc Harrison, ‘The Rat Trap’.
Gerald Atkins, ‘Patent Number’.
David Case, 'Strange Roots’.
Alex White, ‘The Clinic’.
Myc Harrison, ‘The Spider and the Fly’.
John Snellings, ‘Change of Heart’.
Gilbert Phelps, ‘The Hook’.
Conrad Hill, ‘The Man and the Boy’.
R Chetwynd-Hayes, ‘It Came to Dinner’. ISBN:0330237292