Many horrifying statistics on the incidence of rape and violence can be quoted but, like all statistics, they mean little unless you personally are part of those statistics. Don't let this happen.
Preplanning may help prevent you becoming another statistic'. Think through some of the things which you feel may be potentially dangerous or threatening, then given the background information you have on personal safety, decide what you would do in such circumstances. The key to self-defence is awareness. Your ignorance is an attacker's advantage. Don't allow them the advantage of surprise.
This book is designed so that basic information is easily recognised and remembered. It is self-defence for the uninitiated, from the young to the elderly, and for all lifestyles. While facts and figures are essential in establishing needs such as where a problem exists and how far it extends, they are kept to a minimum here as people have indicated they like an 'information book' to quickly and clearly tell them what they want to know.
We need a change of attitude, not only from others but from within ourselves. The Three-Day Self-Defence Manual aims to inform - make people think for themselves, and realise the positive steps they can take.