A safe, effective, and revolutionary approach to lowering blood cholesterol that shows you how to:
• Cut your risk of heart attack by more than half
• Limit the amount of cholesterol produced by the body
• Increase the amount of cholesterol eliminated by the body
• Raise the level of HDL ("the good cholesterol") in your blood
• Use special foods and vitamins that actually lower total blood cholesterol
• Enhance good nutrition without going hungry
• Enjoy a variety of foods whether dining out or eating in
• Prepare dozens of healthful, delicious recipes as well as your own favorites
• Control your weight without counting calories
• Increase your chances for a long, healthy life
This revised edition includes four new chapters and new information on cholesterol-testing methods; new oat-bran products; special considerations for women, children, and the elderly; exercise; the importance of HDL cholesterol; the reversal of heart disease; and more.
Robert E. Kowalski, a medical journalist for more than twenty years, devised this pro-gram for his own cholesterol problem when all else failed. By the age of forty-one he had suffered a heart attack and two coronary bypass surgeries. After the traditional dietary approach to reducing cholesterol proved only minimally effective, and faced with the unpleasant alternatives of drugs or severe dietary modification, he created this pro-gram, which has proved astonishingly effective not only for himself but for the many others who have used it. Here's a sample of what readers are saying about The 8-Week Cholesterol Cure:
"My blood cholesterol dropped from 288 to 150 in seven weeks. When I told my cardiologist this, his response was 'unbelievable."
-David Boller, Los Angeles