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The Ancient Science of Breathing

By: Svara Vijnana

Book Condition: Good
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The book is about the secret ancient science of breathing which had its origin in the dialogues between Lord Śiva and His consort Parvati (Sakti) in ancient Sanskrit text Siva-Svarodaya.
Modern Science makes no distinction in breathing from left and right nostrils. Its periodical changes appear to be Nature's hidden mystery. Breath (Prana), the life-force or vital energy, forms the ethereal body and surrounds the physical body of all creatures. It is the basis of all movements, sounds and vibrations, interconnected with body, mind and spirit. It makes unified field of various cosmic energies working in the human body (microcosm) and the universe (macrocosm) covering tattvas (elements), Kośas (sheaths), Cakras (energy centres) in a subtle body and the levels of consciousness. Praya or Reiki or spiritual healing is systematisation of that phenomenon. The concept of
channels (prāna nādīs) and energy centres has also been discussed. The books is a must to maintain good health, harmony and happiness.

Additional information

Weight 196 g
Dimensions 214 × 138 × 9 mm




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Published Year

No. of Pages

Book Author

ISBN 9798174763333