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The Beginner’s Guide to Multi-Level Marketing: In Low Cost, Home-Based Businesses….

By: John Counsel

Book Condition: Moderate highlighter markings, Good
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There's no security in a job any more. Thousands are realising that they may never have full-time employment again. Many take the plunge into small business. Most fail, losing not only superannuation or redundancy funds, but family homes and assets as well. They become the "new poor" ....too old and too qualified for any available positions, and ill-prepared for the psychological and emotional challenges of finding themselves on the scrap heap. Many, conditioned to bureaucracy, have little idea of how to survive in a system where the rewards are given only for results, never for mere activity. Whether you're a retrenched manager, a woman returning to the workforce, a graduate with nowhere to go, an employee worried about the future or one of those who've already lost everything after taking the plunge into business, what's needed is a fresh, practical approach that offers genuine hope for the future. And that's exactly what's offered by this eye-opening exploration of low-cost, risk-free opportunities available in Australia.

John Counsel is principal of PCS NetWorks, Australia's leading management and training consultants to the home-based business industry (500,000 strong and growing!)

His incisive, no-nonsense views are published regularly in industry media, and John has won widespread acclaim for debunking the many myths and self-defeating practices that surround the industry, and provide practical, effective solutions. In this information-packed book he explains, with refreshing insight..

โ€ข Why are these home-based businesses safer, faster and more profitable than conventional small business or franchising! 
โ€ข How to tell if you're suited to a particular home-based business.
โ€ข How to choose the best business opportunity for you. 
โ€ข How to make sure it will work successfully for you....no risk!
โ€ข How to avoid being exploited or manipulated. 
โ€ข How to spot frauds, fakes, booby traps and pitfalls.
โ€ข Handy Checklists and Questionnaires to help you choose. 


Additional information

Weight 238 g
Dimensions 214 × 138 × 11 mm




Book Condition


Published Year

No. of Pages

Book Author

ISBN 9838992461