What is a feminist? Alice Duer Miller's poem, written a 1915 still contains some of the answers:
"Mother, what is a feminist?" "A Feminist, my daughter
Is any woman now who cares
To think about her own affairs
As men don't think she oughter."
To bluff your way in feminism is a very different pro- position from bluffing your way in antique motor cars or Tupperware through the ages. A feminist argument could embrace either of those topics: e.g. 1. men's obses- sion with mechanical objects denotes their refusal to ac- cept a wider analysis of etc., etc., or, 2. Tupperware par- ties were a precursor of consciousness raising groups, allowing women to convene but only in the context of the home and family, and unfortunately with the object of their concern precisely a material expression of their objective position in the man-made world... Got it?