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The Book of When: A Dictionary of Times & Seasons

By: Rodney Dale

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Among the treasures you will discover in When?

Al Kadr Title of Chapter 97 of the Holy Koran; the night on which Mohammed received his first revelation from Gabriel; in the Muslim calendar, the night of 24 Ramadan on which angels are said to descend to earth, and Gabriel to reveal the decrees of God to man. 

Canada Day July 1; observed as a public holiday in Canada in commemoration of the proclamation of dominion status in 1867. 

Fire Festivals The four ancient Celtic quarter days (Samhain, Imbolc, Beltane and Lughnasadh).

Hundred Days, The The days between 20 March 1815, when Napoleon reached the Tuileries and 28 June, the date of the second restoration of Louis XVIII. 

Red Letter Day A lucky day; a day to be recalled with delight. In ecclesiastical calendars important feast days and saints' days were illuminated (now printed) in red (rubrication), other days in black.

Teshuvah In the Jewish calendar, repentance observed during the 29 days of the month of Elul. 

Yellow River When the Yellow River runs clear' is a Chinese expression for 'never'.

Part 1 is an encyclopaedic index of words, phrases and terms concerned with time. 

Part 2 takes the 366 days of the Gregorian leap year one by one and looks at observances and holidays. 

Part 3 discusses a number of different types of calendars, including Fijian, French Revolutionary, Jewish, Muslim and Roman. Ages 8+. 


Additional information

Weight 362 g
Dimensions 202 × 131 × 25 mm


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ISBN 9781904919209