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The Borneo Response To Malaysia 1961-1963

By: J. P. Ongkili

Book Condition: Good
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This is the first book to focus attention on Borneo in relation to Malaysia. As an impartial study of reactions and feelings in the territories of northern Borneo to the idea of federation with Malaya and Singapore, it provides the background to and serves to stimulate interest in current social, economic and political developments in Sabah and Sarawak.

The story of Borneo's response to the Malaysia proposal ran from blatant and outright rejection to reconciliation, resignation and agreement. What does this about-face in Borneo's response signify? What were the factors influencing it?

The narrative begins by placing Borneo in proper perspective with a study of her geographical setting, historical background and political development to date of the Malaysia proposal. It then traces the stages of Borneo's response to the proposal clearly and objectively; analyses the factors, internal and external, which influenced each stage; and conclusively presents the whole as a study of political emergence and progress. Throughout, the author draws largely on official publications and the daily Press for evidence and support. The treatment, therefore, remains disinterested and conclusions where drawn are always rational and unbiased.

Written in a clear, readable style, this book is of interest to every general reader. ISBN:BORNEORESPONS

Additional information

Weight 221 g
Dimensions 209 × 158 × 8 mm




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