This set consist of The Child's World set:
1) Stories of Childhood
2) Countries and Their Children
3) People and Great Deeds
4) The World of Arts
5) How to Live with Your Children
6) The Story World
7) Plant and Animal Ways
8) The World and Its Wonders
TODAY many people-about two hundred million people are living in this great country of ours, the United States of America. All these people-except the Indians-came here or else their parents or grand- parents or great-grandparents came here from other lands.
Where did your great-grandparents live? Look in the mirror. If you are blond and blue-eyed and your skin is fair, then perhaps your ancestors lived in Norway or Sweden. If you have dark hair and your eyes are brown, then perhaps they lived in some country in southern Europe. But it does not matter. You are an American. Three hundred years ago-about five or six times the age of your grandparents, which really is not a very long time-there were only a few white people living here. But there were nearly a million American Indians living in the forests and along the rivers and on the mountains and plains and coasts of this wide land.