What is in a wide mouth and a fleshy ear lobe? A pointed chin and a mole on the cheek? More than beauty (or the lack of it) definitely. according to the Chinese.
The Chinese art of face reading, ming xiang, has been in practice for more than 2000 years. Deeply rooted in Chinese culture, it is used to analyse man's personality traits and fortunes. To the Chinese, while life is predestined, man can seek to avert the ill effects of bad luck if he knows it in advance. It is also advantageous to know one's own virtuos and vices. In short, while man is defenceless against destiny, he is better off knowing the odds.
Here, then, is an introduction to the Chinese art of face reading. Learn how facial features influence fortune and what they reveal of personality traits, with more than 200 drawings and photographs and many examples to help you along.
Evelyn Lip, author of some 30 books, has an Ph.D. in architecture and is a consultant in feng shui. For this book, she has done extensive research into ancient Chinese documents to bring the reader an insight into face reading.