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The Curious Incident of the WMD in Iraq

By: Rohan Candappa

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Can be read in forty-five minutes: the memoirs of a Prime Minister with Asperger's Syndrome who thinks it is a good idea to launch a war in Iraq. 'Alistair said I should write something I would want to read myself. And I thought about that. I thought that this was good advice. Alistair is always full of good advice. That's why I like him. That and his socks. The book I would most like to read about is myself. And about my place in history. When I told this to Alistair he smiled. And then he said that the book would need an angle. Something that would catch the reader's imagination. Something that would intrigue them. Something that would "sex it up". So I said what about WMD. And Alistair smiled again. But this time it was a slightly different smile.' The Curious Incident of the WMD is a mystery like no other. The detective, and narrator, is Anthony Algernon St. Michael Blair, the Prime Minister of Britain. He knows a great deal about New Labour, sound bites and why he makes a good leader and very little about the history of Iraq. He loves cheese and hates Gordon Brown. He discovers what he thinks is the central mystery and sets out to investigate it, but subsequently discovers a deception which leaves him forever linked in an uneasy triangle with a stumbling, inarticulate US president and a genocidal dictator. 

Additional information

Weight 117 g
Dimensions 177 × 110 × 13 mm




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ISBN 9781861979001