Andros is the first commander of the Kosmon, a huge star-globe. Its dozens of levels and hundreds of spatiads defy imagination. Even in the rocketing railer system, it takes days to journey across its vast network off Industrial areas and living communities.
But things quickly start to go wrong. The beautiful Kala falls victim to the smooth-talking Drakon and disaster looms. Andros and Kala find themselves banished to the Kosmon's lower levels. The Kosmon lurches off course and its robot crew runs dangerously amok.
But there is a glimmer of hope-- a promise that one day a descendant of theirs will regain their lost status. Will it be one of their two sons?
The story of the Kosmon sweeps over generations, embracing the hopes and fears of humankind. One day, the scion of Kala will come and then Drakon will be destroyed. The Doom of Drakon is the first part of THE KOSMON REPORT, a science fiction series for older children.