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The Encyclopaedia Of Medical Imaging Vol VI: Neuroradiology and Head & Neck Imaging

By: Holger Pettersson (Ed.)

Book Condition: Very good
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We take great pleasure in presenting you with the sixth volume of the first edition of the Encyclopaedia of Medical Imaging. In many ways this work represents a departure fun the conventional means of presenting new information in diagnostic imaging, and we believe it to be a child of its time. The past decoule has seen an unprecedented growth of knowledge in science and medicine, and medical imaging which feeds so avidly off new technology-has been one of the disciplines in which this expansion has been most evident Every month new textbooks relating to the different specialties within imaging are produced, new journals are born and the number of scientific papers continues to proliferute. For the individual general radiologist it is becoming well nigh impossible to keep up with this wealth of information and increasingly difficult to identify those advances that have genuine practical implications for everyday practice.

To meet this "information challenge" we have assembled a group of associate editors for this encyclopaedia who are international leaders in their various fields of diagnostic imaging. They have used their expertise and vast experience to select those elements of modern knowledge they believe to be of great importance to the practising radiologist. Together with their assistant editors they have arranged this material in an encyclopaedic form from A to Z in each volume of this work.

The encyclopaedia as a whole does not seek to replace the role of the textbook; nor is it a collection of articles. It is an attempt to present in an up-to-date comprehensive form essential knowledge in all areas of diagnostic (and therapeutic) imaging. For the general radiologist this arrangement is intended to provide a wide spectrum of important information in as much detail as space allows, while for the specialist it will provide an update in areas outside his/her focus of expertise. The book will also serve as an invaluable source of information for clinicians, radiographers (technicians), pharmacists, nurses, physiotherapists and other paramedical health care professionals, and as a useful reference work for medical physicists, hospital managers, medical suppliers and medical publishers.

The present volume consists of two parts that are closely related and therefore are included in the same volume: Neuroradiology and Head and Neck Imaging. We are greatly indebted to the Volume Editors Giuseppe Scotti (VI:1) and Robert Hermans (VI:2) for their meticulous work and we are convinced that you will find the result to live up to the exacting standards that we try to keep throughout this publishing adventure.

Additional information

Weight 1966 g
Dimensions 283 × 219 × 1 mm


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Published Year

No. of Pages

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ISBN 8291942072